Monday, 21 May 2012

VCAP5-DCD - registration is now open!

VMware have now launched the final VCAP5-DCD exam/certification. This is the first higher-level exam for vSphere 5, and will be followed by the VCAP5-DCA exam/certification to complete the vSphere 5 certification pyramid.

I've blogged previously about the beta exam, the exam format, and the paths for those currently at VCP4/VCAP4-DCD level as to how they can upgrade both certifications for their vSphere 5 equivalents.

There's already a large number of official resources available to help you prepare for the new exam - the registration link, the usual exam blueprint, a demo of the user interface that the exam uses in it's design elements, and more - that's all available here:
I doubt that I'll take the exam myself as it doesn't really fit my current role, but as usual I'll watch out for those that have shared their experiences of the final exam and append those to this blog post!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Upgrade path announced for VCDX4 to VCDX5

VMware have just confirmed the upgrade path for VCDX4 holders to update their certification to VCDX5.

Current VCDX4 holders will have a 3-month window from when the VCAP5-DCD exam is released where the only requirement to update to VCDX5 will be to pass the VCAP5-DCD exam, people who do that will also be awarded VCP5.

Once that 3-month window has passed, VCDX4 holders will be required to be VCP5 AND pass the VCAP5-DCD exam to achieve VCDX5. The regular current VCP4 to VCP5 training requirement will apply, such as attending the vSphere 5: What's New training course.

Read the official text here: