Thursday, 19 April 2012

vSphere 5 training that will help towards VCAP5-DCA

The VCAP5-DCA exam is expected to be released in the next 2-3 months.

The beta version of the exam blueprint suggests two recommended official training courses:

vSphere: Fast Track [v5] - available now
vSphere: Optimize and Scale [v5] - due in the summer of 2012

This training won't be compulsory in order to qualify for the VCAP5-DCA certification, but having seen the beta exam blueprint, and knowing the Fast Track content and the Optimize and Scale topics, the training courses will definitely be useful!

Useful VCAP5-DCA blog links

The beta version of the VCAP5-DCA exam will be available to take shortly, I have had to decline the invitation to participate but those that have accepted have been issued the beta version of the exam blueprint.

A number of bloggers are amongst those who will be taking the VCAP5-DCA beta exam in the coming weeks, some have been given permission by VMware to blog ahead of the beta exam:

This post contains a downloadable checklist, based on the exam blueprint, get preparing and get those boxes ticked:

Chris Wahl

Here's some other useful blog links for VCAP5-DCA:

The Foglite
Thinking Loud on Cloud

Beta exam experiences:

Patrick Kremer

I will update this post over time as I discover blog posts from those that have take the beta exam.

VCAP5-DCA exam blueprint - what's new?

The beta process for the VCAP5-DCA exam begins shortly, I received a pre-invitation from VMware a week or so ago - but as I've just started a new role I have had to decline the opportunity to take the exam.

I found Ed Grigson's vExperienced blog incredibly useful for the VCAP4-DCA exam, Ed has been given approval by VMware to publish the current beta exam blueprint, and he's also highlighted the changes to the VCAP5-DCA blueprint compared to VCAP4-DCA.

If you're thinking about taking the VCAP5-DCA exam when it is released, Ed's blog post will really help you!

VCAP5-DCA information and preparation

This page contains links to some of the key posts on this blog related to VCAP5-DCA.

General Information
VCAP5-DCA - Registration is now OPEN!
VCAP5-DCA exam blueprint - what's new?
VCAP5-DCA - New vSphere 5.5 exam version available
vSphere 5.0/5.1 exams for VCAP certifications are retiring

vSphere 5 training that will help towards VCAP5-DCA
Useful VCAP5-DCA blog links

Updating to VCAP5-DCA
VCAP5-DCA - Registration is now OPEN!

Monday, 16 April 2012

vExpert 2012 - I'm in again :-)

The first set of vExperts for 2012 have been announced - and I've made the list again!

I'm delighted to be included on the 2012 list, this is my third consecutive year of having vExpert status.

Here's the VMTN blog post that contains a link to the list:

Congratulations to all vExperts for 2012, and a huge thankyou to everyone at VMware involved in the vExpert process and the community.